Thriller, suspense, mystery, and horror short stories.

Category Lovecraftian


Ship of Theseus

A heavy church bell rang in the distance, signifying noon as a mass of feet thudded against the pavement. Vasily Borgunov sat down on a park bench and relaxed, kicking back and stretching his feet. He munched on a sandwich… Continue Reading →


Deception of the Highest Order

The incessant hum and buzz of young faces, each exuding emotions of joy, upon hearing a bit of good news from a friend, curiosity from conversations which delved into theoretical psychology, distant gazes from those who relaxed with earphones and… Continue Reading →


Local Flora

The sound of the desperate wailing banshee cries of the grieving woman were broken only by the thunderous, booming clap of the rotors as the bird descended down into the sizable forest clearing, onto a makeshift landing pad, throwing up… Continue Reading →

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